Preliminary exercise

Title: Come up with the title for your magazine. You can use your summer project planning if you have it. 

-Mind set

Slogan: What will your magazine's slogan be?

-mentality is key

Cover star: Who will be your cover star and what will they look like?

-in my cover ill be having my pe teacher Mr harvy and me to pose in a half basket and half formal outfit.

Main story: What is the main story to go with your cover image?

-in my magazine the main story will be about how mind set and how certain ways of thinking can effect you in a beneficial way or a negative way. I will also talk about how certain decisions that are mad now can effect your future.

Cover lines: What other cover lines will go on your magazine cover? you will film (ideally film off-site as this will create a stronger production). 

-how would the decisions you make now effect your future?

-what would you do different if you knew what happens next?

-"they say failing means your learning but others take it as a lose?"

-How will the next generation face these difficult times ahead, will they push through and succeed or will they lose all determination and give up?.

Statement of intent: 100 words explaining what you plan to make.

Example statement of intent [114 words]: 
I plan to create a magazine called 'Frontier' with the slogan 'Get ahead in YOUR life'. The magazine is aimed at wealthy young people working in business in major cities like London, New York or Dubai.   

My cover image will be of a young male in a sharp suit and sunglasses looking at the camera. The main feature to go with the cover image will be an interview with the cover star - the youngest tech millionaire in London. The magazine colour scheme will be light grey, quite futuristic and sleek. The rest of the cover lines will focus on topics my audience will be interested in such as life hacks, cars, technology and travel.  [114 words]

Firstly on the front page of my magazine I will have my main picture in the this picture I will have two of my friends and my teacher posing in front of the the hoop for the front cover. Another thing on this front page is the cover lines some examples are. "how would the decisions you make now affect our future", "what would you do different if you knew what happened next". "they say failing means your learning but others may take it differently". "how will the next generation face these difficult times ahead  



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