statement of intent (latest)

Introduction and Media language

In my media product the main focus for it is men's mental health and how the feature in the magazine has over come there struggles though the commitment and hard work to help themselves be a better person. In my magazine it will consist of a colure theme of gold white and orange to bring in the sense of sports while still targeting middle class people. On my front cover my feature who is a young Asian boy from the Filipino background as my main image on my front page. The front page of my magazine will have four cover lines all linked to self improvement and mental health. These include "How sports helped a star reach the top", "understand how o overcome stress", "turn nothing into something", "dive into how struggles turned into self improvement". I've chosen the magazine title as 'Mentality' due to my magazine being targeted at health. It will be priced at £4 and will be published by march 2024.

Double page spread 

For my double page spread it will further explain how the main feature in my magazine was able to solve his problems and turn them into his strengths. It will start talking about the boys humble beginnings and how he was struggling in many mental health problems for example anger issues, stress, anxiety and being disappointed in him self. Finally he is able to confront these problems which result in him achieving better things in life.

Media Representation and Media audience 

My feature is perfect for this role in my front cover as since he is young he subverts how young people are seen as immature and gullible and not able to leave and impact in society which the boy has done the complete opposite and has been an inspiration for many others. Also his Asian background helps people from the same background and also suffering from the same thing feel like there not alone. It also helps that since I have also added the person of interest in my magazine who is a member of the BAME community it adds a sense of no one being left out from the the magazine as all the no white/ethic backgrounds have been mentioned with in. 


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