Editing blog task

 1) Watch the first minute of the clip. How many times does it cut? (This is when the shot changes - the first cut in the scene is after 9 seconds).

in the first minute of the clip it cuts 14 times 

2) How does the pace (speed) of cuts change between 1 minute and 1.30?

the pace of the  cuts between 1 and 1:30 was quick to shoe more things in a shot period of time 

3) Why is the scene emotional for the audience to watch?

to the audience it shows Vincent van gogh in close up shot to show his emotional facial 

4) How is juxtaposition (two shots placed next to each other) used at 1.58 to create meaning for the audience? 

to show a different perspective/position of the two characters

5) What do you think is the most important shot in this scene and why? 

the close up clip of Vincent van gogh shows  show the audience what hes felling/his facial expression is to the people watching     


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