Media assessment learner response

 1)Type up your feedback in full (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential

WWW:Joshua this is really lovey to see lots of understanding displaying in this assessment

-you are able to use media terminology in your in your responses 

e.g:stereotypes and also the film poster conventions and what they connote 

EBI:work on your analysis of unseen media  products e.g 

connotations  of low angle 

2)Write down the mark you achieved for each question: 








3) Did you get any media terminology wrong in the assessment? If yes, make a note of it here for future revision:

of work on your analyst of unseen media 

4)Identify one of your stronger questions. Why did you do better on this question?

in my assessment my use of media terminology was good 

5) Identify one of your weaker questions. Why did you score lower on this particular question?

 q5 as i couldn't connote the water aid advert as well to other questions compared to q3 for example 

Extension tasks

Make sure all of your blog work is up-to-date. If you have posted each blogpost, make sure you are also completing the extension tasks for each too.


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