television Lerner response
1) Type up your feedback from your teacher in full (you do not need to write marks/grades if you do not wish to). WWW : joshua-a fair attempt at this TV followed the writing structure well for Q1.2,Q1.2 and Q1.3s you demonstrate some narrative theory e.g. prop's character theory. EBI: you are not fully responding to the question e.g Q1.3 is focusing on audience theory and you do not mention any here.Also not enough to credit for Q2 (20 mark) essay. 2) Look at the mark scheme document linked above. Write an answer for question 1.1 on mise-en-scene. -"The setting is abandoned giving it an aerie feeling" or "we see mise-en-scene when the two girls share the bread and drinks.(this shows props's". 3) Look at question 1.2. Write ONE narrative feature in the extract you could have written for this answer. Todorov:disequilibrium (empty city suggesting problem or danger and they need help 4) Now focus on questio...